![Plants help tell stories in the landscape. Crocus were planted to bloom during Black History Month at the National Museum of African American History and Culture. (Photo credit GGN) [1]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/621d68e732e7484e8b2a8d1c/1650843054304-YYW63LG4JMINOMWGZWIY/NMAAHC%2BCrocus%2BGGN-nl%2Bedit.jpg)
Plants help tell stories in the landscape. Crocus were planted to bloom during Black History Month at the National Museum of African American History and Culture. (Photo credit GGN) [1]
![Research on each site's history creates the foundation for our design concepts. At Fritz Hedges Park the meadow planting references the site's cultural history as a cultivated meadow. [2]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/621d68e732e7484e8b2a8d1c/1652464080823-LLMUTNTNJQC1NC4C9ALB/BWP_Fritz%2BHedges%2BWaterway%2BPark-4.jpg)
Research on each site's history creates the foundation for our design concepts. At Fritz Hedges Park the meadow planting references the site's cultural history as a cultivated meadow. [2]
![Sometimes the process can be just as visually appealing as the end result. Beautiful formwork for concrete climbing walls at Glenhaven Park. [2]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/621d68e732e7484e8b2a8d1c/1650845211829-M5JNKHZQT5SQ5UIO4E6L/IMG-0963%252B%2525281%252529-nl%252Bbig%252Bedit.jpg)
Sometimes the process can be just as visually appealing as the end result. Beautiful formwork for concrete climbing walls at Glenhaven Park. [2]

High Desert colors are amazing! This color combination of sage (Artemisia tridentata) and golden brown grasses along the Deschutes River is always a win.
![Functional elements are an opportunity for innovation. Security walls integrated into planting create an entry threshold at the National Museum of African American History and Culture. [1]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/621d68e732e7484e8b2a8d1c/1650836186778-YV37U525D345TM411HDO/08%2BNMAAHC_170607_14_F_4%2BCatherine%2BTighe-nl%2Bedit.jpg)
Functional elements are an opportunity for innovation. Security walls integrated into planting create an entry threshold at the National Museum of African American History and Culture. [1]

We find inspiration in the natural rhythms of our region, like the mysterious beauty of frost on these alpine plants outside of Bend.
![Our design language comes from the history and culture of each place. A custom-designed Sierra Granite CNC bench inspired by mid-century design icons is labeled for installation at the Seattle Center Garage. [1]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/621d68e732e7484e8b2a8d1c/1650846320376-FD60R0Z8PNE8UXJO72LO/DSCN5793-nl%2Bedit.jpg)
Our design language comes from the history and culture of each place. A custom-designed Sierra Granite CNC bench inspired by mid-century design icons is labeled for installation at the Seattle Center Garage. [1]
![We consider all scales of experience in our work. The interplay of black locust benches, concrete walls, and Fountain Grass (Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln') creates a human-scaled space at Columbia Gorge Community College. [3]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/621d68e732e7484e8b2a8d1c/1650846050991-3PSDP7E5JVPXT0CTEX7P/CGCC%2BBench%2BAC%2Bphoto%2Bedit-nl%2Bedit.jpg)
We consider all scales of experience in our work. The interplay of black locust benches, concrete walls, and Fountain Grass (Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln') creates a human-scaled space at Columbia Gorge Community College. [3]
![Our partners in construction are part of the success of each project. Construction workers from Pacific Earthworks developed innovative methods to plant a 60,000 sf green roof at the Seattle Center Garage. [1]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/621d68e732e7484e8b2a8d1c/1650845029187-9GJOI91FULGVYFKBFYBZ/DSCN5305-nl%2Bedit.jpg)
Our partners in construction are part of the success of each project. Construction workers from Pacific Earthworks developed innovative methods to plant a 60,000 sf green roof at the Seattle Center Garage. [1]
![We respect and celebrate existing site elements. At Orenco Woods Nature Park the canopy walk is carefully sited to preserve the existing trees. [2]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/621d68e732e7484e8b2a8d1c/1652137116971-C045EB4V7BBP8QBICNEW/IMG_5365-edit.jpg)
We respect and celebrate existing site elements. At Orenco Woods Nature Park the canopy walk is carefully sited to preserve the existing trees. [2]
![Flexibility is important in urban spaces. Fritz Hedges Park was designed to be comfortable for daily gatherings with neighbors while also accomodating large community events. [2]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/621d68e732e7484e8b2a8d1c/1652464425287-XB8MVTRG1Y1X21E4X13E/BWP_Fritz%2BHedges%2BWaterway%2BPark-3.jpg)
Flexibility is important in urban spaces. Fritz Hedges Park was designed to be comfortable for daily gatherings with neighbors while also accomodating large community events. [2]

As biodiversity has declined it is essential to consider all ecological communities in our design, including insects and animals. A butterfly rests on grasses along the Deschutes River.

Our climate is changing and so is our plant palette. We research and select climate adapted plant species for long term success. (Camassia leichtlinii 'Alba' and Allium 'Globemaster')
![Delight for everyone is part of a successful place. (Photo courtesy of Portland Parks & Recreation) [2]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/621d68e732e7484e8b2a8d1c/1650848697791-VX1WQ3156E45NN3BK8HI/P89A4786-nl%2Bedit.jpg)
Delight for everyone is part of a successful place. (Photo courtesy of Portland Parks & Recreation) [2]

Keen observation of the natural world is part of our process. We take design inspiration from textures and characteristics that are unique to each site. Rock texture at the John Day Wild and Scenic River.
![We set up plant mixes to have variety so that the plants can successfully evolve and adapt to site conditions. At the Seattle Center Garage over eight varieties of sedum were planted to ensure that the mix would have enough variety for success. [1]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/621d68e732e7484e8b2a8d1c/1650847624727-59QGC9IIGCE746AFKMIU/DSCN6228-nl%2Bedit.jpg)
We set up plant mixes to have variety so that the plants can successfully evolve and adapt to site conditions. At the Seattle Center Garage over eight varieties of sedum were planted to ensure that the mix would have enough variety for success. [1]
Understory is a landscape architecture practice dedicated to enhancing the quality of outdoor spaces by weaving layers of natural histories, cultural stories, and ecological systems into inspiring places for all people.
Our mission is to build a more equitable and resilient future by designing landscapes that are authentic, welcoming, and adaptive.
[1] Work completed at GGN while Amy was employed as an Associate/Senior Associate
[2] Work completed at Walker Macy while Andrea was employed as an Associate/Senior Associate
[3] Work completed at Walker Macy while Amy was employed as a Senior Associate